Petra Backovska

At Possible I run Fixing Factory's day-to-day operations, from organising and creating learning-based volunteering systems to running public-facing events. I ensure that the Fixing Factory is a fun, inclusive, educational space, where people from all walks of life are inspired to get onboard with the repair revolution.

I also ensure all Fixing Factory internal systems are up-to-date, easy to use and suited for their purpose with an emphasis on relevant data-capture. This is a valuable source of information for assessing our impact - from how much CO2 we’re saving, to how our work is influencing attitudes, knowledge, and skills in the community.

Over time a big part of my work is taking retail off the ground both in-situ and online.

Outside of Possible I spend time in my own workshop crafting and creating, am part of the Makermovement and love strolling through my neighbourhood with my dog.

Hannah Bland