Natasha Yorke-Edgell

Natasha is Director of Movement Building at the Economic Change Unit (ECU), where she works to build the collective power of organisations fighting for a fair and sustainable economy. This includes creating spaces for groups to work together and learn from each other; building bridges with other movements affected by economic injustice; and furthering our collective work on anti-oppression. She also provides consultancy support for climate campaigns in the UK.

She was formerly Head of Campaigning at the RSPB and Head of Movement Building at The Climate Coalition in the lead up to COP26. She has led a number of cross-sector campaigns on nature and climate, with a particular focus on building relationships and ways of working across movements and coalitions.

Originally from Norfolk but wishing she was Welsh, she has a BA Hons in Philosophy and Literature from Exeter University. She can often be found peering up at birds or down at mushrooms, in London gigs or Cambridge pubs.

Hannah Bland