Dermot Jones

I’m here to help Fixing Factories - local repair hubs - become a reality. Right now that means Camden Fixing Factory, which will explore viable social enterprise models around our electronic consumer goods - the things that represent the bulk of the Earth’s staggering (and accelerating) e-waste torrent.

I come to fixing by the route of the curious kid wanting to know how the objects around us work, usually breaking them in the process…so I’m mildly haunted by the ghosts of every toy and gadget that my curiosity killed…and determined to fix more than I break, as a general life rule.

Before Possible my more relevant experience is working on an array of community projects with Transition Town Tooting often with volunteers and young refugees from CARAS, and being a founder-director of South London Makerspace - a thriving social community workshop.

Outside of all this you might find me lost in the strings of my guitar - occasionally writing the odd song or short play, sketching, or tinkering on some maker projects...but none of this as often as I imagine - but outdoor swimming somehow always claims its time.

kai saunders