Tell the government you support wind power

Right now, the government is considering lifting the blocks on new onshore wind in England - and they want to know what people think.

Late last year, we forced the new government into opening a consultation on whether to finally lift the ban on onshore wind in England. Now the consultation is live, we need to team up again to get this campaign across the line - and get the final win on wind.

This is our chance to get the clean energy we need, but wind power needs your voice.

In December, there was an amazing show of support for wind from people across the UK, and together we got the government to promise to end the ban. But there’s a problem.

What the government has proposed isn’t anywhere near enough. They want to make tiny tweaks to the planning system when we need real change. If they get their way, there would still be more restrictions on new onshore wind than new coal mines.

This is ridiculous. Wind is clean, cheap and really popular, and it’s vital to tackling the energy cost crisis and bringing down carbon emissions - fast.

We need to tell the government to stop making it so difficult to get new onshore wind up and running, and to embrace the clean energy revolution we desperately need. Can you add your voice?

We’ve made a tool you can use to quickly and easily respond to the consultation, and tell the government that it’s time to unlock the full potential of wind power. It will only take two minutes to add your voice - and it could make all the difference for the clean, cheap energy we need. 

Wind power, energyLucia Skelton