Show your local Council that the public support traffic filters

Not only are traffic filters an inexpensive and effective way that Councils can make streets cleaner and safer, but, as our new research shows, they are overwhelmingly popular among those who are most affected by them.* Let’s make sure our Councils know this. Will you use our easy tool to write to your councillors with the evidence to ask them to take action?

We are really keen to hear of any responses you receive so that we can plan how to best engage with decision makers. Please forward any councillor responses you receive to

To see our draft email for your local Council, just fill out this short form.

*In July this year, volunteers for Possible knocked on doors in four cities - Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds and London - to listen to communities about their experience of nearby traffic filters. This is what we found:

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We talked to 272 households in total and found that 84.9 percent of people living on streets with traffic filters want to keep their filter, compared with just 8.1 percent who want to remove it, and that people’s love for their filter grows over time. Click the button below to see the full results of the survey.